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Our School



SEND Information Report 2024/2025

Part of the Norfolk Local Offer for Students with SEND

Updated: 10/2024
Review date: 10/2025


Welcome to our SEND information report, which is part of the Norfolk Local Offer for students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). All Governing Bodies of maintained schools and maintained nursery schools and the proprietors of academy schools have a legal duty to publish information on their website about the implementation of the governing body’s or the proprietor’s policy for students with SEND. The information published will be updated annually.

At Sheringham High School, we are committed to working together with all members of our school community. This local offer has been produced with students, parents/carers, the local governing body and members of staff. We would welcome your feedback and future involvement in the review of our offer, so please do contact us. The best people to contact this year are:

  • Mrs Rachael Harding – SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator)
  • Mrs Kate Tuck – Assistant SENDCo
  • Mrs Dawn Hollidge – Head of School
  • Mr Ben Phillips – Deputy Headteacher
  • Mr Martin Langsdon – SEND Governor

If you think your child may have SEND, please contact Rachael Harding, our SENDCo, or Kate Tuck, our Assistant SENDCo, on 01263 822363 or or

Read more of our SEND Information Report 2024/25

Our Schools

Synergy Multi-Academy Trust comprises fifteen Norfolk schools serving children between the ages of 2 and 18. Our schools work collaboratively together to raise standards and provide education of the highest possible standard, offering the best of opportunities for pupils. The Trust was initially established in 2015. We believe that all of our schools have strengths and areas to develop, and that all can improve through sharing expertise and wisdom. The Trust understands that there will be excellent practice in each school, and that every school will be able to contribute to the development of the Trust as a whole.

Our Schools

Synergy Multi-Academy Trust comprises fifteen Norfolk schools serving children between the ages of 2 and 18. Our schools work collaboratively together to raise standards and provide education of the highest possible standard, offering the best of opportunities for pupils. The Trust was initially established in 2015. We believe that all of our schools have strengths and areas to develop, and that all can improve through sharing expertise and wisdom. The Trust understands that there will be excellent practice in each school, and that every school will be able to contribute to the development of the Trust as a whole.